Following its launch in 2016, the SmartEdu Scholarship Program was extended to fund an additional 10 students who wish to pursue their university studies at the National Institute of Posts, Telecoms & ICT. From 2017 onwards, 20 scholars are selected each year to be part of this program. Each selected student receives up to 20,000 USD in funding, which covers tuition fees and monthly allowances to cover their living expenses throughout the duration of their university course. The scholars will also be provided with other opportunities, such as attending development programs and taking part in CSR outreach, as well as possible employment with Smart upon successful completion of their university studies.
Driving Dreamers
To Achieve
The SmartEdu Scholarship Program embeds the objective of encouraging bright Cambodian high school students, particularly those students who are struggling financially, to pursue their university education.
The Scholarship Covers Or Provides
University tuition fees until the awarded scholar has completed his or her bachelor degree.
A monthly allowance of 200 USD for up to 5 years, based on the registered degree course.
Development programs and CSR outreach opportunities.
Can Apply?
Students who completed their grade 12 in the academic year 2019 - 2020 (complementary students and students who failed their previous national exams are not allowed to apply for this scholarship).
Grade 12 graduates who plan to take up a degree course at any public university governed by MoEYS or MPTC.
Students who can attend exams organized by Smart Axiata, MoEYS and MPTC.
Grade 12 graduates with a preferred degree course choice that does not last longer than 5 years.
With Strong
Public-Private Collaboration